Get involved
We’re an independent charity and community organisation and rely on the support of our volunteers, donors and funders.
We couldn’t deliver our service without volunteers. They help us with everything we do, from helping people find a way forward with the problems they face to campaigning for change. Volunteering with us is rewarding and challenging, offering you a chance to make a difference to your community, learn new skills and meet people from a variety of backgrounds.
Find out more about volunteering with us.
Our services are more in demand today than ever before and every year our funding becomes less certain. Any donation, however small, will help to ensure that we’re here in the future for you, your family and your community.
Find out how to donate to us or how to leave us a gift in your will.
Work for us
We advertise new roles throughout the year on our jobs page. If we don’t have any jobs available at the moment volunteering with us is a great way to understand what we do and build your CV.
We welcome and encourage job applications from people of all backgrounds, but particularly welcome applications from Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) candidates as BAME people are currently under-represented in our workforce.
Become a trustee
Our trustees guide and govern what we do by working with our staff to give direction and shape strategy. Being a trustee means you can have a positive impact by ensuring that we’re sustainable and meeting the needs of our communities.