Law and courts
Information and self-help resources

Information from Citizens Advice about:
- how the legal system works
- claiming compensation for a personal injury
- what to do if you face discrimination
- going to court without a lawyer
- parking tickets and other common issues.

Information from about crime, justice and the law:
- courts, sentencing and tribunals
- prisons and probation
- reporting crimes and getting compensation
- your rights and the law.

Use to search for a legal adviser or family mediator with a legal aid contract in England and Wales.
Use the Law Society website to find a solicitor. Search by location, type of legal issue, accreditation and whether they take legal aid.
Use to search for an immigration adviser in the UK.

Use to check if you can get legal aid. Legal aid can help pay for legal advice but whether you get it depends on the type of legal problem you have and your income and savings.

Directory of legal clinics where you can get free advice about a range of issues.

Directory of family lawyers and mediators who are members of Resolution. Website also offers information and guidance for separating partners.

Search for immigration solicitors who are members of the ILPA.
Organisations that can help

Legal advice about a range of issues, offered via legal aid, free clinics and chargeable services.
Phone: 020 8767 2777 (read about call charges)
Open Monday to Friday, 3pm to 5pm

Free legal advice for women about a range of issues, including family law, domestic violence and related criminal law matters. Evening helpline sessions offer access to pro bono advice from volunteer solicitors and barristers.
Phone (London Family Law Line): 0207 608 1137 (read about call charges)
Phone (National Family Law Line): 0207 251 6577 (read about call charges)
See website for opening hours

Free legal advice on most areas of law including immigration. Can offer casework support and help preparing court forms but don’t provide court representation. Advice given at a weekly drop-in session.
Thursdays, 6:30pm to 7:30pm
14 Baylis Road

Support for people attending court without a lawyer, offer reassurance, help understanding the court process and help preparing for hearings. Can accompany people to court but don’t provide legal representation.
Still need help?
Find out how to contact us if you haven’t been able to resolve your problem using the information above.
Please bear in mind that we are a local charity and demand for our services is high. You may have to wait to speak to one of our team and we can’t offer everyone an appointment with an adviser.